Friday, March 19, 2010

Pixelord - Lucid Freaks pt. 1

netlabel - error broadcast
genre - glich-hop, instrumental
release date - 2010

The Pixelord is Alexey Devyanin. He's a Moscow-based veteran of experimental music, best-known for his Gultskra Artikler moniker.
His debut four-track EP "Lucid Freaks" brings forth a mixture of spliffed-out 8bit riddims, stumbling Hip Hop beats and a pinch of Euro Dance glam. However unique, the weirdo plastic Pop of Glasgow's Hudson Mohawke is echoed in his tunes as well as bass-driven digital Reggae, Jahtari-style. The artwork of L.A. painter Michael Dotson suits the Pixelord music perfectly.
Pixelord's official website.

01 Cartoon Friend
02 Quartz Boy
03 Cybernator
04 Boss Worm



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